Väder som förändrade världen: referenslitteratur i urval

En förteckning över litteratur och webbartiklar som jag har använt som källor för min bok Väder som förändrade världen. Länkar anger digital källor, textrad utan länk anger en bok eller en artikel i pappersform.

Kapitel 1: Rungholt

NDR: Rungholt – Atlantis der Nordsee

Weatherwatch: The Grote Mandrenke

Climate4you: 1362: Grote Mandrenke and the opening of the Zuiderzee in the Netherlands

Enken Johannsen: Entwicklungsgeschichte Pellworms und der Halligen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der grossen Sturmfluten

Harvard Blogs: Robert Fitzroy and the ”Evolution” of weather forecasting

BBC: The birth of the weather forecast

Met Office: The Royal Charter Gale and the world’s first National Forecasting Service

New York times: Lessons for U.S. from a flood-prone land

Jeroen Aerts (VT University): Adaptation cost in the Netherlands: Climate Change and flood risk management

Medievalists.net: The great wind of 1362

Real Climate: What we can learn from studying the last millennium (or so)

Melissa Free, Alan Robock: Global warming in the context of the Little Ice Age (PDF)

Kapitel 2: Där vi (och de) en gång gått

Nilson, Peter: Hem till jorden (1994)

New York Times: Past catches up with the Queen of roads

Live Science: Spartacus: History of Gladiator Revolt Leader

Aleteia (Philip Koslowski): How the scallop shell became a symbol of pilgrimage

Gizmodo: Humans today have even more Neanderthal DNA than we realized

The Guardian: Why did the Neanderthals die out?

US National Library of Medicine: A Draft Sequence of the Neanderthal Genome

Science Daily: Volcanoes wiped out Neanderthals, new study suggests

H. Haslam, M.D. Petragia (University of Oxford): Humans and the Tobs super-eruption 74,000 years ago: Before and after the ”Big bang”

Oceanus Magazine: Noah’s not-so-big-flood

BBC: Swedes find ”World’s oldest tree”

Nature : Analysis of one million base pairs of Neanderthal DNA

The Scientist: Effects of Neanderthal DNA on Modern Humans

PNAS: Timing and causes of mid-Holocene mammoth extinction on St. Paul Island, Alaska

Phys.org: Origins of Indonesian hobbits finally revealed

Kapitel 3: Välkommen till holocen

Waltari, Mika: Sinuhe Egyptiern

Climate (marsnumret 2018): Jackson Davis, Peter J. Taylor, W. Barton Davis: The Antarctic Centennial Oscillation. A Natural Paleoclimate Cycle in the Southern Hemisphere That Influences Global Temperature

New York Times: Collapse of earliest known empire is linked to long, harsh drought

Encyclopaedia Britannica: Climate change since the advent of humans

Nature Unbound V – The elusive 1500-year Holocene cycle

Nature: North Atlantic forcing of moisture delivery to Europe throughout the Holocene

Journal of the Geological Society: Holocene climate variability and change; a data-based review

Skeptical Science: The name is Bond… Gerard Bond

Carleton College: Dansgaard-Oeschger events and Bond cycles

Nature: Greenland ice mass loss during the Younger Dryas driven by Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation feedbacks

Salonen, J Sakari: Varhaisholoseeninen kylmä kausi 8200 a BP

Refugee Week: Famous refugees

Nature Education: Green Sahara: African humid periods paced by Earth’s orbital changes

BBC: The fall of the Old Egyptian kingdom

Ancient History Etc.: What caused the mysterious Bronze Age collapse?

Thought Co: Who were the Sea Peoples

Popovic, Alex: What is the Migration Period, part 1: The Romans and the Goths

Videnskab.dk: Fimbulvinteren er ikke en myte

Encyclopaedia Britannica: Attila, King of the Huns

Kapitel 4: Britannia – Vädergudarna är protestanter

Frere, Sheppard: Britannia: A History of Roman Britain (1987)

Baxter, Stephen: Coalescent (2003)

Martin, Colin; Parker, Geoffrey: The Spanish Armada (1999)

Hugo, Victor: Samhällets olycksbarn

The History Files: Julius Caesar’s campaigns in Britain

BBC History: Roman Britain, 43–410 AD

The Grand Failure: How Logistics of Supply Defeated Napoleon in 1812

Science: The original Brexit: How tremendous ice age waterfalls cut Britain from Europe

Kapitel 5: Kamikaze, gudarnas vind

Davis, Paul K: 100 Decisive Battles: From Ancient Times to the Present

Rossabi, Morris: All the Khan’s Horses (PDF)

E.N. Anderson (University of California): Medieval Warmth: Did the Medieval Warm Period Sink the Maya but Make the Mongols?

CBS News: Unexpected role of climate in bringing plague to medieval Europe

CNN: Shipwreck may be part of Kublai Khan’s lost fleet

Munkhtsetseg: Mongolian National Archery

Business Insider: Scientists finally know what stopped Mongol hordes from conquering Europe

Boris V. SchmidUlf BüntgenW. Ryan EasterdayChristian GinzlerLars WalløeBarbara BramantiNils Chr. StensethClimate-driven introduction of the Black Death and successive plague reintroductions into Europe

National Geographic: World without ice

Scientific American: Can the fern that cooled the planet do it again?

LA Times: They’ve outlived the stigma 

Encyclopaedia Britannica: Kamikaze tactic

Kapitel 6: Drömmen om det gröna landet

Dok: Nordenskiölds sista expedition (Yle 5)

Nordenskiöld, Adolf Erik: Den Andra Dicksonska Expeditionen Till Grönland, Dess Inre Isöken Och Dess Ostkust: Utförd År 1883 Under Befäl Af A.e. Nordenskiöld…

Forskning och framsteg: När Grönland var grönare: Medeltidens märkliga värmeperiod

Ny Teknik: Så navigerade vikingarna i mörker

The Dockyards: The historical truth behind Floki

Science: The Lost Norse: Why did Greenland’s Vikings Disappear?

Skeptical Science: Greenland used to be green

Vittfarne.com: De grönländska nordbornas undergång

Science Daily: Study undercuts idea that ”Medieval Warm Period” was global

Archaeology: The fate of Greenland’s Vikings

Discover Magazine: The GreenlandViking Mystery

University of Aberdeen Museums: Kayaking Greenland to Scotland

Cambridge University Press: Scottish Kayaks and the Finn-men

BBC News: Adventurers recreate Inuit kayak crossings to Scotland

Kapitel 7: Doggerland, Nordsjöns Atlantis

Baxter, Stephen: Stone Spring (2010)

The Telegraph: British Atlantis: archeologists begin exploring lost world of Doggerland

National Geographic: Doggerland: The Europe that was

Encyclopaedia Britannica: Storegga slides

Nature Archeology: The lost world

BBC Environment: Prehistoric North Sea ”Atlantis” hit by 5m tsunami

University of Exeter: The Doggerland Project

Vincent Gaffney, Kenneth Thomson, Simon Fitch: Mapping Doggerland – The Mesolithic Landscapes of the Southern North Sea (PDF)

Kapitel 8: Vulkanvintrar och dödliga dimmor

Nilson, Peter: Hem till jorden (1994)

Thordarson, Thorvaldur; Self, Stephen: Atmospheric and environmental effects of the 1783–1784 Laki eruption: A review and reassessment 2

White, Gilbert; Jesse, Edward: The natural history of Selborne: with observations on various parts of nature and the Naturalist’s calendar. (1870)

Steingrímsson, Jón; Kunz, Keneva: Fires of the earth: the Laki eruption, 1783–1784 (1998)

Henderson, Ebenezer: Iceland, or the Journal of a Residence in That Island, During the Years 1814 and 1815

Bryson, Bill: En kortfattad historik över nästan allting (2005)

Franklin, Benjamin: Meteorological imaginations and conjectures: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester

Projekt Runeberg: Eddan. De nordiska guda- och hjältesagorna / Valans spådom

Witham,Claire; OppenheimerClive: Mortality in England during the 1783–4 Laki Craters eruption

Forbes: Vivid sunsets in the aftermath og volcanic eruptions inspired great works of art

Science Daily: Icelandic volcano caused historic famine in Egypt, study shows

Science Daily: Ancient ”Volcanic winter” tied to rapid genetic divergence in humans

Thought Co: Southern dispersal route: When did early modern humans leave Africa?

New England Historical Society: 1816, the year without a summer

Gizmodo: The year without a summer, and how it spawned Frankenstein

Robert E. Kopp, Joseph L. Kirschvink, Isaac A. Hilburn, Cody Z. Nash: The Paleoproterozoic snowball Earth: A climate disaster triggered by the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis

Tiedetuubi: Italian supertulivuoren purkaushistoria onkin yllättävän vaatimaton

Volcano Discovery: Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy): new geysir-like fumarole vent observed, ongoing slow inflation”

Forbes: Yellowstone volcano’s twin super eruption: The caldera that altered global climate

Kapitel 9: Europas största och värsta stund

Englund, Peter: Ofredsår (1993)

Englund, Peter: Den oövervinnerlige (2000)

Nordberg, Michael: I Kung Magnus Tid: Norden Under Magnus Eriksson, 1317–1374 (1996)

Den gamla psalmboken, ett urval ur 1695, 1819 och 1937 års psalmböcker (red. Håkan Möller)

Charpentier Ljungqvist,Fredrik: Global nedkylning – Klimatet och människan under 10 000 år

Lamb, H.H.: Climatic History and the Future (1977)

Lappalainen, Mirkka: Jumalan vihan ruoska – Suuri nälänhätä Suomessa 1695–1697 (2015)

Kramer, Heinrich; Sprenger, Jacob: Malleus Maleficarum

Yle uutiset: Suvivirren taustalla piilee nälkää, kannibalismia ja erotiikkaa – ”Joissain pitäjissä kuoli yli puolet väestöstä”

John E. Beckman, Terence J. Mahoney: The Maunder minimum and climate change: Have historical records aided current research

Discover Magazine (Bad Astronomy): Are we headed for a new ice age?

En historikers betraktelser: Den medeltida värmeperioden – fortfarande en het potatis

Mikael Smedbäck (SvD): Hundra år av relativitet

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Enlightenment

Knölen som mättade Europa

Svensk potatis: Sveriges potatishistoria

Tekniska museet: Eva de la Gardie: Brännvin på potatis

Natur och Miljö: Vatten i blickpunkten (PDF)

Suomen Siemenperunakeskus oy: Den tusentals år gamla potatisen

Ny Teknik: Svält i Sverige vid oljekris

Potato Council: The history of potatoes

The Economist: The history of the potato: Wonder-food

Illustrerad vetenskap historia: Så blev potatisen européernas viktigaste föda

Phys.org: Dutch saltwater potatoes offer hope for world’s hungry

Explore Genealogy: The Irish potato famine and emigration

Nexus Media: Want to know what climate change will bring? Look at the Irish potato famine

History Ireland: The Lumper potato and the famine

Yle uutiset: 150 vuotta sitten 200 000 suomalaista menehttyi – muistatko syyn?

Nature: How soot killed the little ice age

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Vetenskapsjournalist, allmän pratmakare och inbiten fotoentusiast.
